Advanced Optical Communication Testbed
(AOC Testbed)
Funded By
Our Mission
At AOC Testbed, we are dedicated to advancing the field of optical communication through innovative research and development. We enable technologies for capacity scaling from Gbps towards Pbps, with provision of a modular testbed with field installations to support > 1 Tbps with pathway to 1 Pbps. We promote indigenous development – devices, sub-systems and networks for the testbed, compliant to standards, ready to market.
Our Goals
Establish national facilities – open to academia/industry for R&D and performance tests
Wide Spectrum
Address both high volume and technologically niche products
Create an ecosystem for indigenous technology development
Provide platform to solve India-specific optical networking problems
Provide platforms for IPR generation, contribution to standards
High-Capacity Optical Transmission
The AOC Testbed will serve as a platform to showcase advanced optical transmission technologies capable of achieving high data rates and increased capacity, ranging from Gb/s to Pb/s. Through practical demonstrations, researchers and industry professionals can explore the potential of optical networks and drive innovation in the field.

Support for Multi-Core Transmission
The AOC Testbed will include support for multi-core transmission, enabling researchers to investigate and evaluate the performance of multi-core fibers and related technologies.
This capability will open doors for exploring new dimensions of high- capacity optical communication, ranging from Gbps to Pb/s transmission.
Fiber Duct Availability
AOC Testbed infrastructure will include fiber ducts that researchers and vendors can utilize to lay their own fiber and conduct experiments.
This flexibility will allow for seamless integration of external components and systems, promoting real-world testing and validation.

Bring your own components
Researchers will have the freedom to bring their own components and subsystems to the testbed for evaluation and performance testing.
This approach enables customization, facilitates collaboration, and encourages the testing of specific solutions in a controlled environment.

Promotion of Indigenous Devices and Subsystems
We aim to foster the development and utilization of indigenous devices and subsystems within the testbed. By supporting and promoting locally developed solutions, we can contribute to the growth of the optical communication industry and encourage the creation of market-ready products.
Open Access for Academia and Industry
AOC Testbed will be made accessible to researchers, students, and industry professionals for research and development purposes.
This open access approach will facilitate collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the exchange of ideas among academia and industry stakeholders.

IPR Generation
AOC Testbed will provide a conducive environment for Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) generation. Researchers and innovators will have the opportunity to create novel solutions, file patents, and contribute to the overall advancement of optical communication technologies.

Vendor-friendly approach
To encourage collaboration with vendors, the testbed infrastructure will be designed to accommodate various fiber types and equipment.
Vendors will have the opportunity to connect their fiber and test their equipments performance within the testbed environment, fostering innovation and providing valuable feedback.
Our Partners
SFO Technologies
Amara Raja Design Alpha
Tejas Networks
TeraLumen Solutions
NMS Works
Agalsearch Systems Private Limited
Cloud Photonix
Our Industry Users & Partnerships
Our International Collaborators
University of Nebraska, USA
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
University of Southampton, UK
University of Rochester, USA
Dublin City University, Ireland
Kiel University, Germany
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa, Italy
University of Melbourne, Australia