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Develop an all-fiber fan-in-fan-out device for coupling into a multi core fiber through standard single mode single core fibers, and vice-versa
IIT Madras will design the coupler and demonstrate fabrication leading to a prototype
SFO Technologies team will convert the prototype into a commercial product
The product developed will be tested in the IIT Madras multi-core test bed (WP-4)
Develop a rugged process to fabricate a fan-in, fan-out device with the following specifications:
Center wavelength 1520 nm - 1560 nm (C-band)
Configuration 4 G652 fibers - 4-core fiber (STL MCF)
Insertion loss < 1 dB
Polarization dependent loss < 0.1 dB
Crosstalk < - 20 dB
Co-Principal Investigator:

Principal Investigator:

Fan In Fan Out Device - Process Development

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