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  1. To develop photonic link for mmWave 5G band of n258 or 26GHz (24.25–27.5 GHz) for multi-sector antenna fronthauling​

  2. To develop and test, at least, 2 channels of  wavelength multiplexed (WDM) RoF links, in the multi-core fiber AOC test bed link​

  3. Obtain  Type Approval, as necessary.​


Develop WDM mmWave photonic link at n258 band (24.25–27.5 GHz) with following specifications

  1. mmWave Frequency range: 24.25–27.5 GHz

  2. Link gain: 0 ± 1dB

  3. Gain control: 30dB

  4. Minimum detectable signal: -80dBm

  5. Maximum input power: -20dBm

Principal Investigator:

Diwakar Belavadi

Director – Operations & Engineering

SASMOS HET Technologies Ltd


26 GHz RFoF WDM Transceiver for Aerial Fiber Tests​


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